Race You Down The Mountain
Words and Music by Woody Guthrie and Marjorie Mazia Guthrie
Contact Publisher - TRO-Essex Music Group

I'll race you down the mountain
I'll race you down the mountain
I'll race you down the mountain
We'll see who get there first.

Let's run and jump the river,
Let's run and jump the river,
Let's run and jump the river,
We'll see who get there first.

I hear myself a-huffing
A-huffing and a-puffing
I hear myself a-huffing
We'll see who gets there first.

NOW, I'll race you down the mountain
I'll race you down the mountain
I'll race you down the mountain
we'll see who gets there first.

I'll race you down the mountain
I'll race you down the mountain
I'll race you down the mountain
We'll see who gets there first.

© Copyright 1954 (renewed) by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. & TRO-Folkways Music, Inc. (BMI)
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