Bubble Gum
Words and Music by Woody Guthrie
Contact Publisher - TRO-Essex Music Group
And a bubble and a bubble,
And I bubble my gum.
Bubble and a bubble,
And I bubble my gum.
Blubber and a blubber,
And I blubber my gum,
A bleeber and a blabber,
And I bubble my gum.
I woke up when the mornin' come,
Bubble and a bubble and I bubble my gum.
Comb my teeth with a wide teeth comb,
Bubble and a bubble and I bubble my gum.
Squirt my toothpaste on my hair,
Stuck my toothbrush in my ear.
Fixed my breakfast in my room,
And I chewed and chewed my bubble-in' gum.
Hear a little rooster crow for day,
and I heard him crow ten miles away.
Stirred my oatmeal with my thumb,
And I bubbled and bubbled my bubble-in' gum.
Chewed my milk, drank my toast,
I drunk down a big beef roast.
Heard my daddy ask my mom,
Who's that a-bubble-in' bubble-in' gum.
My brother walked with me to school,
He said you bubble your gum like a fool.
He offered me a knife, some marbles and gun,
If I would give him my bubble-in' gum.
© Copyright 1954 (renewed) by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. & TRO-Ludlow Music, Inc. (BMI)